Event: Pearl Harbor: Prayer for peace
Date: Wednesday, December 8, 2021
Time: 7:00pm
Speakers: Kazumi Matsui (Mayor of Hiroshima), Takeshi Furumoto (Honorary president of NY Hiroshima Kai), Rev. T. K. Nakagaki (The Heiwa Peace and Reconciliation Foundation of New York Ltd.)
Performers: Naomi Suzuki (London), Youth Yamada (New York), Yukialani (Honolulu), Yoshiharu (Japan), Kizen Oyama (Japan)
Platform: YouTube
Registration: Not required, Free
Host: Tiara Group
Description: As we mark the 76th anniversary since the end of the World War II, there is an increasing number of people who have never experienced the war. In order for us to secure and live life without a war, we must remember the past wars and cherish the life we have today.
This event will be held on December 8, the day John Lennon, the former member of the Beatles and one of the most recognizable voices in the 70’s peace movement, was passed away.
More info: https://tiara-g.wixsite.com/20211208/