Yuji Nara “The Melodies of Light – Silent Session -“

Saturday, October 8 – 15:00
at Soul Wellness Center (2027 Center Ave 2 Fl. Fort Lee, NJ 07024)

Fee: $30.00 (adults) / $20.00 (students)
Inquiry/Registration: / 201-840-5984
* Japanese language will be used for this entire session.
* Please come in comfortable outfit as participants will sit on the floor during the session. Also, bring lap-robe, towel, yoga mat as needed.

An improvisational performer specialized in ethnic musical instruments, Yuji Nara, will come back to NJ again! He is also known for his a spiritual sound artistry on ‘Gaia Symphony No.6 – empty sky sound.’ This will be a rare opportunity to experience the music world of Yuji Nara who travels and performs all over the world. Let your spirit free, feel your lights and enjoy this special show with full of lights and sounds. Another featuring guest is an Intuitive Reflexlogist, MICA (Rebirther), from NYC.

A talk session of Yuji Nara and MICA will follow after the performance. Let’s hear their intriguing experiences.

Yuji Nara – started improvisational performances using ethnic musical instruments in 1994 and has been playing at welfare/educational facilities and hospitals numerous times as part of his life work to communicate with people. Mr. Nara also appeared at peace event at the Ground Zero in New York in May, 2004.

Hosted by Mar Creation, Inc.
Supported by Hanamizuki

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