We write the music article in the music section, OngakuKissa (Music Cafe), of the NY-based free Japanese newspaper, YomiTime, with 20,000 in circulation in the tri-state area, also, a monthly essay in the JISHIN section of the LA-based Japanese-American newspaper, … Continue reading
What is Mar Creation?
Mar Creation is a full-service, one-stop resource for all of your creative needs.
Are you an engaged couple looking for the perfect videographer/photographer for your wedding? Maybe you are a company looking to shoot a commercial or produce visual content - like a website or flyers - for your business? Or perhaps you're a musician looking for that perfect partnership to provide distribution, promotional and artistic services?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, you've come to the right place! With our staff of experienced specialists, and our strong Greater New York City area network of connections, Mar Creation is the answer to all of your creative needs. We work directly with each client to develop a common vision, and every project - whether large or small - receives our full creative attention.
Please feel free to take a look at our samples of work. We believe our work speaks for itself. Contact us today for more information!
RSS書は人なり~自己表現の書道 ~ワークショップ&交流会~
【イベントタイトル】 書は人なり~自己表現の書道~ワークショップ&交流会~ 【内容】 日本から書道家の白石雪妃氏を講師に迎え、書道のワークショップを行います。字を書くことが少なくなった現代における書道の意味、筆、墨、紙などを含めた書道のお話、また自己表現、伝達方法としての何故、書道が効果的なのかなど、様々な角度から捉えたお話を伺い、実際に筆を使って「字を書くこと〜表現すること」を体験をしていただきます。後半は、白石雪妃氏を交え交流会を行います。 【開催日】2013年9月21日(土) 【開場】7:00PM 【ワークショップ】7:30-9:00PM 【交流会 】9:00-10:00PM 【飲食】会場内カフェにてドリンク1つ購入、ワインは推奨寄付制 【会場】RESOBOX 【住所】41-26 27th St, Long Island City, NY 11101 【地図】http://goo.gl/maps/UREio 【地下鉄】Queensboro Plaza (7, N, Q) / Queens Plaza (E, M, R) 【参加料】$20(前売)/$25(当日) 【申込/問合】contact@marcreation.com/917-400-9362 【申込締切】9月20日(金) 【主催】Mar Creation, Inc. – www.marcreation.com 【協力】RESOBOX … Continue reading
Live Jazz & Japanese Calligraphy – Special Collaboration
Title: Live Jazz & Japanese Calligraphy – Special Collaboration This is a special event that features a live performance of Japanese calligraphy with live jazz. A Japanese calligrapher, Setsuhi Shiraishi, has pursued her own unique style of calligraphy while expressing … Continue reading
J-Summit New York – Japan Earthquake & Tsunami Relief Fund vol. 17
Sunday, September 1, 2013 – 18:00-24:00 at The Bowery Electric (327 Bowery, New York, NY 10003) Admission: Advance $15.00 / At door $18.00 *All donations and a partial profit will be donated to the Consulate General of Japan in New … Continue reading
Yuko Yamamura CD Release Concert!
Yuko Yamamura is a jazz french horn player based in New York and celebrating the release of her debut CD at the Gershwin Hotel on Septemeber 19th. She is also the GRAND PRIZE WINNER of the John Lennon Songwriting Contest … Continue reading
- Weddings, Reunions, Parties,
Corporate Events - Live Concerts, Band Performances,
Music Videos - Commercials, Promotional Videos
- Event Planning, Live Concerts,
Event Promotion
- Business, Personal, Musician
Website Design
- Flyers, Newsletters, One-Sheets,
Brochures, Postcards,
Consistent Branding
- Recording
- Arrangement
- Composition
- Network of Established,
Professional Artists for Hire
- Physical, Digital Music Distribution
- Press Releases
- Radio Promotion
- Tour Promotion