Title: J-Pop v K-POP with Yuri Bear & Youn Jung Kim
Artists: Yuri Bear (vocal, piano), Youn Jung Kim (vocal), Nick Stubblefield (piano)
Lecturer: David DeJesus
Date: Sunday, November 22
Time: 2:30PM-4:30PM
Venue: Harrison Public Library
Addres: 2 Bruce Avenue, Harrison NY 10528
Inquiries: contact@marcreation.com
Admission: Free
– Harrison Library: http://www.harrisonpl.org/events/harrison/859
– Yuri Bear: https://www.facebook.com/yuribearmusic
– Youn Jung Kim: https://www.facebook.com/youn.j.kim
Explore the Japanese and Korean pop genre with Yuri Bear and Youn Jung Kim. J-Pop singer Yuri Bear’s music is a unique mix of pop and folk which creates a truly organic sound. Youn Jung Kim is New York based artist, telling stories through diverse media such as video, theatre, photography, and singing. Nick Stubblefield to accompany Kim on piano.
This is part four of our series Music Diversity through Ethnicity, a four part festival. Each performance will be accompanied by a lively discussion led by David DeJesus, lecturer in Music at Purchase College.